About me
Hey! My name is Heng Kit and I am from Selangor, Malaysia. Grew up in a ordinary typical Malaysian family who lives around food twenty four hours a day. Inspired by my family and culture of food in my own country, im addicted to food from around the world. Everytime food comes my way, I am like a kid going into a candy store. There's just no limits to food as i hope to learn more about food and try out new recipes.FOOD!
About the blog
The food junky blog represents the food lover in me who wants to just share what i think food is from every angle. I'm no top chef and I'm not journalist but i do love food and i do love writing. I am also a big believer in what food brings to the table. It is not just a plate of protein,carbohydrates and vegetables on a plate.Food should be more than that and i would like to share with you my point of view on food.